Monday, August 1, 2016

LYON - Genève à Lyon

     Begun in a little apartment on Rue Pierre Corneille in Lyon, France in April 2010, "LYON" is complete at last.  Please enjoy listening to opening track "Genève à Lyon," featuring Chicago-based violinist/violist Andra Kulans, and return here for music, stories, photos, field recordings, videos, and poetry by French author Pierre Ducrozet in the run-up to the album's release on the 2017 spring equinox.

     Before Lyon was even a possibility, I spent some rather fraught time in South Korea.  My last moments there – watching the sun rise over mountains surrounding the city of Daegu – were slow-motion sepia tones.  The first moments in Europe, by contrast, were lush countryside and 3D low-hanging metallic clouds – all racing by a train window en route from Geneva to Lyon.  A bracing beginning – color-speed and ultra-sensory beauty after a long, greyish burn in lonely places.

La ville, pourtant, n’était encore qu’une idée.

New Website: Moon Recordings