Saturday, August 27, 2016

Voyage to the Retro Cocktail Hour

 "Voyage to Scorpion Island" will be featured on one of my all-time favorite radio shows -- The Retro Cocktail Hour -- tonight around 7:30pm CST (and forever in archive #721 starting at 31:30).  Download to Donate to the Lawrence Humane Society and help animals like William the Bunny.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

LYON - Londres à Lyon

   Years later I would conjure the intricacies of walking routes across the two rivers and up leafy passages to Lyon’s summit.  Life brought me to many places, including London.  I lived in small confines on Gower Street, where chimneys cap the row of flats ranging from Euston Road to Great Russell Street, and where during the day the endless stream of red double-decker busses and black cabs produces enough exhaust to make Gower Street itself a chimney.  While all the grey & smoke at times lended a romantic quality to everyday life, it produced, at others, a weariness.  So at night I would sit & play music by a window that faced University College London's Bonham Carter House, dazed from the pace & price of the city, and sometimes drifting off to pastoral spaces.  I once spent a summer crashing on the floor of my oldest friend, reading books, playing piano in mornings  & evenings at the university, and searching for fireflies on walks at night.  My time in Lyon bore that same hideaway spirit – a simple season and easy breath after tense times in harder cities.  

Faudra-t-il toujours revenir sur ses pas, pensa-t-elle en dépassant le kiosque à journaux qui clignotait sous le bleu.

New Website: Moon Recordings