Friday, September 2, 2016

LYON - Vieux Lyon

    The heat in the attic would drive me out of one church on the east side of the Rhône & Saône, and into another on the west.  Cool, damp, dim, and with the sound of a fountain blooming in the square outside, Cathédrale Saint Jean-Baptiste fast became a favorite destination to regroup at.  When the square outside was especially bustling, I would attempt to go unnoticed while drawing out a field recording microphone I'd carefully wrapped in an old t-shirt from a leather motorcycle satchel and capture voices, violin, rushing water, and foot traffic over cobblestones.  On the way to & from, I loved to stop on the middle of Passarelle du Palais de Justice – a narrow red suspension bridge that connects Vieux Lyon to Place des Jacobins – and watch the light shimmer on the Saône.

Corps de Lyon comme je t’ai arpenté exploré parcouru humé enlacé, tu es le premier bitume sur lequel je me suis allongé, je t’ai pris dans mes bras, je t’ai serré contre moi – je me suis fait mal. Tout part de toi.

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